(Quick Reference)



Loops through each error of the specified bean or model. If no arguments are specified it will loop through all model attributes and check for errors.


Loop through each error in the book bean:

<g:eachError bean="${book}">

Loop through each error in the title field of the book bean:

<g:eachError bean="${book}" field="title">

Loop through each error in model:

<g:eachError model="${[book1: book1, book2: book2]}" field="title">

Loop through each error displaying its i18n message:

<g:eachError bean="${book}">
    <li><g:message error="${it}"/></li>



  • bean (optional) - The instance of the bean to check for errors

  • model (optional) - The name of the model Map to check for errors

  • field (optional) - The field within the bean or model to check for errors for