<g:eachError bean="${book}">
<li><g:message error="${it}" /></li>
Resolves a message from the given code or error. Normally used in conjunction with eachError
Loop through each error and output the message:
This is typically used for built-in Grails messages, rather than user application messages. For user application messages, use the code or message parameters as illustrated below.
Output a message for a specific known code:
<g:message code="my.message.code" />
Output a message for a compatible object.
<g:message message="${myObj}" />
Objects passed to the message parameter must implement the {springapi}org/springframework/context/MessageSourceResolvable.html[MessageSourceResolvable] interface. |
(optional) - The error to resolve the message for. Used for built-in Grails messages. -
(optional) - The code to resolve the message for. Used for custom application messages. -
(optional) - The object to resolve the message for. Objects must implementMessageSourceResolvable
. -
(optional) - The default message to output if the error or code cannot be found inmessages.properties
. -
(optional) - A list of argument values to apply to the message whencode
is used. -
(optional) - The name of a codec to apply, i.e. HTML, JavaScript, URL etc -
(optional) OverrideLocale
to use instead of the one detected
One of either the error
attribute, the code
attribute or the message
attribute is required. Messages are resolved from the grails-app/i18n/messages.properties
bundle. See also Internationalization.
For a more complex example, to output your own message with parameters and a default message, you might use the following code from your controller:
flash.message = "book.delete.message"
flash.args = ["The Stand"]
flash.default = "book deleted"
You would then specify the following in messages.properties:
book.delete.message="Book {0} deleted."
and specify the following from your view:
<g:message code="${flash.message}" args="${flash.args}"
Which would result in the output "Book The Stand deleted." If you had misnamed the message or not specified it in messages.properties
, your default message of "book deleted" would be output.