(Quick Reference)


Creates a link that can be used where necessary (for example in an href, JavaScript, Ajax call etc.)


Example controller for an application called "shop":

class BookController {

    static defaultAction = "list"

    def list() {
        [books: Book.list(params)]

    def show() {
        [book: Book.get(params.id)]

Example usages for above controller:

<!-- generates "/shop/book/show/1" -->
<g:createLink action="show" id="1" />

<!-- generates "/shop/book/show?foo=bar&boo=far" -->
<g:createLink action="show" params="[foo: 'bar', boo: 'far']"/>

<!-- generates "/shop/book" -->
<g:createLink controller="book" />

<!-- generates "/shop/book/list" -->
<g:createLink controller="book" action="list" />

<!-- generates "/shop/book/list" -->
<g:createLink url="[action:'list',controller:'book']" />

<!-- generates a link tot he book controller in the publishing namespace -->
<g:createLink controller="book" namespace="publishing"/>

<!-- generates "http://portal.mygreatsite.com/book" -->
<g:createLink controller="book" absolute="true"/>

<!-- generates "http://admin.mygreatsite.com/book" -->
<g:createLink controller="book" base="http://admin.mygreatsite.com"/>

<!-- generates "/shop/book/list/1?title=The+Shining&author=Stephen+King" -->
<g:createLink controller="book" action="list"
              params="[title: 'The Shining', author: 'Stephen King', id: '1']"/>

Example as a method call in GSP:

<a href="${createLink(action: 'list')}">my link</a>

results in:

<a href="/shop/book/list">my link</a>



  • action (optional) - The name of the action to use in the link; if not specified the default action will be linked

  • controller (optional) - The name of the controller to use in the link; if not specified the current controller will be linked

  • namespace (optional) - The namespace of the controller to use in the link

  • plugin (optional) - The name of the plugin which provides the controller

  • id (optional) - The id to use in the link

  • fragment (optional) - The link fragment (often called anchor tag) to use

  • mapping (optional) - The named URL mapping to use to rewrite the link

  • method (optional) - The HTTP method specified in the corresponding URL mapping

  • params (optional) - A map containing URL query parameters for the link

  • url (optional) - A Map containing the action, controller, id etc.

  • uri (optional) - A string for a relative path in the running app.

  • relativeUri (optional) - Used to specify a uri relative to the current path.

  • absolute (optional) - If true will prefix the link target address with the value of the grails.serverURL property from the application configuration, or http://localhost:<port>; if there is no setting in the config and not running in production.

  • base (optional) - Sets the prefix to be added to the link target address, typically an absolute server URL. This overrides the behaviour of the absolute property if both are specified.

  • event (optional) - The name of a Webflow event to trigger for the flow associated with the given action. Requires the Webflow plugin.